Health isn’t a destination, it’s a journey

Our Services

4 Month Private Coaching

Our 4-month program will pave the way for your health journey. You’ve decided to take those next steps towards health transformation. As a client, we will explore your goals on a bi-weekly rotation. 

Discovery Call

Schedule a free Discovery Call to see if we

are a good fit

15mins |  Free 

6 Month Private Coaching

Welcome to our premier 6-month program, a transformation journey that paves the way for your lasting health and wellness. The 6 Month Program allows for a deeper and more sustainable health transformation.

This commitment signifies your dedication to a healthier, happier you! As a client, we will explore your goals on a bi-weekly rotation.

Group Coaching

Are you looking for a community-based lifestyle program that offers support, accountability, and motivation? Our virtual 8-Week Group Coaching Program meets weekly for 1-hour, where we will share experiences, overcome challenges, and discuss lifestyle approaches for your health journey.

Next Session: Stay tuned!

You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it

— Albert Einstein

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.


  • Duration: The assessment will last for 60 minutes.

    Preparation: Prior to the session, you will receive an electronic copy of a Health Questionnaire. We kindly request that you fill this out with as much information as you deem comfortable and return it no less than 24 hours prior to our session.

    Review: We will review the information you provide in the Health Questionnaire, which will enable me to understand your health background and goals before our session. This helps ensure our time together is as effective as possible.

    Discussion: During our session, we will discuss your health, any concerns you may have, and goals.

    Next Steps: At the conclusion of our session, we'll determine if it makes sense to continue your health journey together and what duration suits your specific needs.

    I look forward to meeting you and helping you on your transformational health journey!

  • Yes! Feel free to email me with any questions you may have

  • Our coaching sessions will be held virtually; however, if you live near Rock Hill, SC, Fort Mill, SC, or Charlotte, NC, we can discuss accommodations for in-person sessions.

  • Our Group Coaching Sessions will be held virtually and you will have the opportunity to meet other members during our weekly check-in calls via Zoom. You will receive the program material which will be conducted independently; however, during our weekly check-ins, I will speak on specific health focuses, check in on everyone’s individual progress, and then we will openly speak as a group. Members may share experiences or challenges, and together we will build a community of support.

  • These sessions will be offered throughout the year, typically in 8-week program lengths. Please continue to check back for announcements for our next session!

  • By enrolling in our program, you’ve already made a commitment for lifestyle changes. We understand that each person is unique, with various health goals, visions, and comfort levels. While there will be encouragement to make lifestyle shifts, we will proceed at a pace that you feel most comfortable.

  • Finishing our 4-Month or 6-Month program is a reason for celebration! Our goal is that you’ve instilled new lifestyle changes and feel equipped to navigate your health journey independently. However, should you feel additional sessions would benefit you, we can certainly discuss continued coaching.

  • We do offer lab testing through an independent company that utilizes LabCorp for blood panels. Should we feel the necessity to have a more thorough health picture, we can discuss further.